We are a nationwide Head and Neck Cancer Charity
We are known as “The Swallows Head and Neck Cancer Group” because of the difficulty a lot of people have with swallowing, this group is designed to provide help with patients and carers.
The Swallows was formed by like minded cancer patients to help and support fellow sufferers and their carers. If you are looking for support please come to our meeting.
We support all people affected by head and neck cancers, patients, caregivers, friends, or relatives.
It is our intention for every person affected by head and neck cancer to have access to support at the point they need it, by the method of their choice, on a 24/7 basis.
Phone Number:
07504 725 059Email Address
info@theswallows.org.ukSocial Media
/theswallowscancersupport @swallowsgroup