About us

CANCER CARD® is a national charity whose main aim is to ensure that comprehensive, compassionate cancer support is available to everyone affected by cancer. We are proud to be an NHS-approved organisation, and our resources are featured on the NHS inform website, Scotland's national health information service. This recognition underscores the quality and value of the information and guidance we provide to help cancer patients and their families access the support they need.

Cancer Card

Cancer is a disease that touches countless lives, affecting not just patients but also their families, friends, and communities. At Cancer Card, we understand the profound impact of a cancer diagnosis and the critical need for comprehensive, accessible support.

Founded by Jen Hardy, a stage 4 cancer patient and former IT professional with extensive experience in systems development and implementation, Cancer Card was born out of a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those navigating the complex world of cancer care. Jen's personal journey, from the shock of her diagnosis to the struggle of finding the right support, has shaped our mission: to ensure that no one faces cancer alone.

At Cancer Card, we understand that the burden of cancer is not borne equally. Health inequalities, deprivation, and geographic location can significantly impact someone's cancer journey and their ability to access support. Our mission is to ensure that comprehensive, compassionate cancer support is available to all, regardless of their socioeconomic status or postcode.