Our two main services are our Health Walk Project led by our Walk Manager Kate Thomson and our Community Transport led by our long-serving Transport Manager Fiona MacInnes.
The income generated from the fares is fully reinvested in the service to help cover costs. In addition to fare income we also need to find funding from other sources to help us develop and maintain the service the service - we are extremely grateful to our funders past and present who have supported the service since 2004 when the charity started.
In particular, we would like to thank NHS Highland and the Highland Council for their contributions, without which the service would not operate as well as it does.
The easiest way to request transport is to call the Transport office to speak to Fiona, Hayley or Nicola. Or you can get in touch by email fiona@p4w.org.uk
The pandemic has brought numerous challenges over the past 18 months, and many people have been stuck at home, unable to meet friends or attend social venues. Now that restrictions have finally been lifted, we can help you get Out & About again.
We can take you out for a couple of hours to see what’s changed around town and the surrounding areas. Where we take you is up to you (within reason!). So far, some of our service users have enjoyed visits to:
Call us on 01463 226662 to register your interest in our next trip!
Address: 33 Wells St, Inverness, IV3 5JU
Phone Number:
01463 226662Email Address
fiona@p4w.org.ukSocial Media
/p4wInverness @Partners4W