Marie Curie - LGBTQ+ resources

Getting care and support if you're LGBTQ+

Information about accessing the best care and support to meet your needs.

Getting care and support if you're LGBTQ+

Planning ahead if you're LGBTQ+

Read about getting the care you need in the future and sorting out practical things.

Planning ahead if you're LGBTQ+

LGBTQ+ booklet: Getting care and planning for the future

A free booklet for people affected by terminal illness.

LGBTQ+ booklet: Getting care and planning for the future

Marie Curie Support Line

Call our Support Line on 0800 090 2309 for practical and clinical information and support on all aspects of end of life and bereavement.

Marie Curie Support Line

How to get connected with Marie Curie - LGBTQ+ resources

Visit Website

Phone Number:

0800 090 2309

Social Media