Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey - Edinburgh and Lothians

ICJ aims to support people with a cancer diagnosis and their family or carers, focusing on non-clinical issues.

The Edinburgh and Lothians Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) Service is a Macmillan-funded, Link Worker service.

ICJ aims to support people with a cancer diagnosis and their family or carers, focusing on non-clinical issues.

We’re Here to Help

Being diagnosed with cancer can be overwhelming and many people don’t know where to go for support. NHS Lothian and Macmillan Cancer Support want to offer everyone affected with cancer (including families and carers) time with a Link Worker to think about ‘what matters to them’ and access to the support they need. This service is for anyone affected by cancer at any point on their cancer journey.

Here are some of the things we can offer support with:

  • Money or housing worries
  • Work
  • Caring responsibilities
  • Physical concerns
  • Emotional Concerns
  • Lots more!

Anyone affected by cancer can contact us directly themselves or they can be referred by a professional

Anyone referred will be contacted within 3 working with an appointment offered within 5-10 working days

If you've recently had a diagnosis of cancer, you may have received a letter through the post asking you if you would like to use the service. You can contact us now or in the future.

How to get connected with Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey - Edinburgh and Lothians

Visit Website

Phone Number:

07977 307286

Email Address

Social Media