Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust

Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust is the first national supporter of patients with Thyroid Cancer.

Thyroid Cancer is rare, but numbers are rising. Currently, this stands at approximately 2,700 new cases in the UK each year. More prevalent in women than men (at a ratio of 2 to 1), Thyroid Cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy.

Thyroid Cancer is rare, but numbers are rising. Currently, this stands at approximately 2,700 new cases in the UK each year. More prevalent in women than men (at a ratio of 2 to 1), Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy.

This can be particularly helpful during:

  • periods of hypothyroidism (living without any thyroid hormone)
  • treatment in isolation.

These currently are necessary elements in the treatment of Thyroid Cancer. However, it is envisaged that periods of hypothyroidism may be negated with the increasing use of Thyrogen (Recombinant Human TSH or rh TSH), a drug therapy.

To those who would seek it, we can offer information, support and encouragement. We cannot, however, provide medical advice.

By liaising with the medical profession we aim to promote a wider knowledge of the disease, to assist the improvement of the patient’s experience with Thyroid Cancer.

By working with other associated support organisations, the British Thyroid Foundation (BTF) and A.M.E.N.D. and sharing knowledge, we can ensure we are providing up-to-date information for our members.

The founder of Butterfly works in the Thyroid Cancer clinic at and is available for support, information and advice. How to find the Northern Centre for Cancer Care - Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust

How to get connected with Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust

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07399 564463

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