Bethesda Hospice provides 4 hospice beds for specialist palliative care and 30 care home beds. It is required to raise over £370,000 per year to keep the hospice open and offers a much needed and caring service to those who are terminally ill and those who require nursing care.
Bethesda Nursing Home provides 21 Residential places for people with full-time care needs and 9 respite care places for those in the community whose carers need a break so they can continue to care for their loved ones.
Please feel free to telephone, email or visit during normal business hours. To visit a resident/patient please try to be respectful of mealtimes, otherwise visiting is at your convenience.
Springfield Road, Steornabhagh (Stornoway), Isle of Lewis, HS1 2PS
Phone Number:
01851 706222Email Address
wi.bethesdahospice@nhs.scotSocial Media