Hospital transport service, drop in centre, counselling services, support groups, complimentary therapies, information service, information leaflets and self help videos, help with money worries, children and young people service.
Whether you’ve just been diagnosed with cancer, having treatment or caring for someone with cancer, we can help. From providing transport and complementary therapies to offering expert information or to just being there to listen, we’re here for you.
Staffed by volunteer drivers, we take hundreds of patients to and from hospital for treatment.
Staffed by volunteers we provide a warm, friendly environment to find out more about cancer.
Counselling allows the patient to share their thoughts and feelings with a sensitive and responsive listener.
Support groups are available for men and women within local centres and provide group therapy.
Learn how aromatherapy and massage can greatly enhance the quality of life for people with cancer.
Ayrshire Cancer Support and NHS Ayrshire & Arran provide information in our Kilmarnock centre.
A selection of leaflets, booklets and self-help videos providing advice and information on how to cope with cancer and caring.
Information and advice on benefits services across East, North and South Ayrshire
Our service is here to offer therapeutic support on a one to one and group basis for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years old.
Phone Number:
01563 538008Email Address
admin@ayrshirecs.orgSocial Media
/AyrshireCancerSupport @ayrshirecancer