Orchid fighting male cancer

Healthcare Professionals

We support health and social care professionals to improve care, educate patients, their families and carers and develop more effective services.

We offer:

If you would like to receive our e-bulletin specifically aimed at healthcare professionals, then please email admin@orchid-cancer.org.uk to be added to our mailing list.

Downloadable Resources

Our downloadable patient leaflets, posters and streamable videos may be found in our Resources section.

Learn More


Orchid Fighting Male Cancer - Support (orchid-cancer.org.uk)

Useful Links

Prostate Cancer

New Prostate Cancer Website - A good source of up-to-date research and medical comment can be found here.

NICE Guidelines

The full guidelines are here: Visit nice.org Guidelines PDF

EUA Guidelines

Visit uroweb.org Guildelines

Testicular Cancer

EUA Guidelines

Visit uroweb.org Testicular Cancer Guidelines

Your Privates: Orchid Microsite

Visit Your Privates Site

Penile Cancer

EUA Guidelines

Visit uroweb.org Penile Cancer Guidelines

British Association of Urology Nurses (BAUN)

Visit Baun Site

How to get connected with Orchid fighting male cancer

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Phone Number:

0808 802 0010

Email Address


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